Saturday, May 21, 2016

Profile Erin and Ellyn Quinn

Name: Erin Quinn
Age: 17
Gender: Male 
Ethnicity: White
Occupation: High School Student
Personality: Erin has had his head stuck in a book for as long as he could remember. At a young age, his fahter inspired him to read as much as he could get his little hands on; however, fantasy and fairy tales weren't exactly his cup of tea. He would often find himself among a lot of non-fiction and, when he was old enough to understand, he crept into his father's workshop/study to read the books that he had about electrical engineering. Whenever his mother could afford to, she would buy him K'nex blocks to play with and he would always astound them. 

Because Erin spent more time tinkering than he did with others, he's not quite the type to be very sociable, nor does he socialize well. He's pretty bland in his expressions and doesn't easily pick up on social queues. As a result, he tends to piss people off and most of the people at his school steer clear of him. However, because of his intellect, he earned a pretty hefty scholarship to an extremely prestigious school: Easton-Haig Academy.  
Appearance: Erin has a nearly unmanageable mop of bright red hair, extremely pale skin, and more freckles than he can count. He stands at a below-average height of 5'6", and he's pretty thin an gangly. He has a pair of thick-rimmed glasses that he always wears. 
Character Name: Aerryn 
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Dancer (support)
Appearance: Aerryn is tall and thin with dark skin, hair, and green eyes. She's about 5'6". As a dancer/support class she fights with whips. She mostly wears very revealing cloth armor due to her class. 

Name: Ellyn Quinn
Age: 17
Gender: Female 
Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Student/Burger King Employee
Personality: Ever since their father died, Ellyn has been working very hard to help their mother in any way that she can. She cooks, cleans, and takes care of her brother Erin. When she was old enough, she began working part-time at Burger King to cover all of her own expenses so that her mother wouldn't have to worry about them (ie school, clothes, anything that she wanted). Most of her friends call her a busy body. She is moving and doing things non-stop. Despite her busy schedule, she tries to make time for her friends. She is very sociable and friendly, though, due to the high amount of stress that she incurs, she is prone to outbursts. It was actually at her brother's advice that Ellyn began to play the game as a means of stress relief. Because of her latent anger and pent-up stress, Ellyn has actually become very proficient in PvP in the game, if not slightly addicted.

Unlike her brother, she's not terribly brilliant. She has an average GPA. She goes to a regular high school downtown called O'Brien High School. 
Appearance: Because of her insistence on keeping her hair short and lack of over all effeminate features, she is very often confused for her identical twin brother, Erin. It doesn't help that the two of them also have the same taste in clothes (ie t-shirts and jeans). Ellyn has a small chest, thin build, pale skin, blue eyes, and red hair. Ellyn wears contacts in an attempt to set herself apart from her brother.
Character Name: Pyrsa
Gender: Female
Race: Catte (cat race) 
Class: Duelist (fencer)
Appearance: The Catte race is just what it sounds like, anthropomorphic cats. They stand on their hind legs, however they have the appendages of humans with sharper, longer nails. Pyrsa has an extremely athletic build. Her fur pattern more of a black and grey tabby, She wears light leather armor for ease of movement and wields a rapier. She's gotten at least some recognition in the PvP community since she's begun playing.

Picture below done by Rahzy :D

Profile: Ali Parker and Daemon Rainwright

Real Name: Aliya "Ali" Parker
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian American
Occupation: High School Student
Personality: Ali is an outgoing sort with a vibrant, curious personality. She likes hanging out with people, preferring it to alone-time even when she's working on a project. This can lead to her being viewed as clingy, needy, and very invasive, which has cost her more than a few friendships. She does try to shrug off her insecurities about her friends and their honesty toward her, but its one of her most pervasive doubts.When playing her character online, she acts much the same way, but she does try to come off more mature than she really is.
Appearance: A petite, scrawny girl, Ali only stands just under five feet and weighs a grand total of probably ninety-five pounds. However, because she is rather small, she makes an effort in her style to stand out and look mature. She has medium bob of brown hair that she keeps as a tastefully styled mess to frame her round, pale face. She also has a very distinct, feminine style outside of school, preferring skirts and dresses in floral prints and bright colors.
Background: Ali comes from an unusual household, with parents who have always taken the free, relaxed approach as opposed to rules. With Ali's brother, this did backfire quite a bit, landing him several stints in juvenile detention before he ran away from home at seventeen, calling only occasionally to ask for money or help from his family.
Ali fortunately turned out much different. As a young girl, she developed a strong interest in cutting edge technology and hardware. However, her parents didn't much support this and tried to redirect her interests more to their realm of environmental studies and conservation. It didn't work, and by the time she was ten, Ali started to acquire old computer parts and similar scrap to toy with in the family's garage. Eventually Julian and Helen decided to foster her interests instead, helping their daughter apply for grants and scholarships to attend a school that could afford her the best education possible.
Character Name: Philophaedra Arlauri
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Alchemist
Appearance: Contrary to Ali's real appearance, Phi is a tall, statuesque beauty. She stands about five foot, eight inches with long copper hair, pale skin, hazel eyes, and a smattering of freckles across her cheeks. Although Ali would never admit it to anyone who asked, Phi epitomizes the combination of beauty and brains that she wishes she could.

Since Phi is an alchemist class, her game attire is usually composed of light woven clothes with belt pouches, pockets, and a knapsack to carry all her materials and research. Phi also has a set of goggles or glasses she always wears on her head, a signature style Ali has created for her.

Real Name: Daemon Rainwright
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Eurasian American 
Occupation: High School Student
Personality: Outwardly bland and unsociable, Daemon would have no friends if it weren't for the money in his father's bank accounts. He is largely disinterested in the schemes and excesses of the young men and women like him, the rich elite, except that it can sometimes provide him with a new lens for people watching. As a result, he has no close confidants and makes no move to change it. However, a select few can see the interest in his gaze when studying others, particularly those with ambitions and creativity.
Daemon finds it a lot easier to let his interests and passions shine through in the anonymity afforded in the online world, so he opens up more to those he knows through the game. His internet friends often remark not on his emotional distance from others, but instead on his dry wit, calm and composed rationale, and the comforting, mature presence he brings to the table. Many would not believe he's not even out of high school yet.
Appearance: Daemon looks very little like his father, borrowing most of his unique features from his mother's interracial family. His middling tan complexion and natural black hair come from his Filipino grandfather, but his high cheek bones, straight and narrow nose, and his height (about six foot) originate in his grandmother's Ukranian blood. The similarity he shares with his father is his eye color--green.

Despite still being young, Daemon lives up to the expectations attributed to his status as the son of a wealthy CEO. He dresses very well and keeps himself groomed, trimming and styling his hair into a neat cut and maintaining a clean-shaven jawline.
Background: Born the son of PanSoft's eccentric and ingenious CEO, Daemon has been living the privileged life from the beginning. He has always had money and parents who doted on him, spending any and all of their free time at home with their child despite their high-stress jobs. Even the family's cook and housekeeping staff were fond of him and went out of their way to cater to his curiosities and whims. He might have grown up spoiled and selfish for all the attention, had an armed robbery of the family home not claimed his mother's life at a young age.

Lying beneath his mother's cold, still body trying not to breathe for several hours left Daemon traumatized. Doctors at the hospital found nothing physically wrong with the child, but he had gone mute, speaking to no one, not even his own father. Edward feared for his son, so he pulled Daemon out of private school and arranged for him to meet with private tutors and a child psychologist to address the issue. It took years of therapy, but eventually he began talking again, and when he turned thirteen, he was sent back to school to resume a more normal life.

Daemon currently attends school at Easton-Haig Academy, a prestigious private school known in his area for its expense and its body of social elites.
Character Name: Kir'Voletrum
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon-kin
Class: Great Knight
Appearance: Male dragon-kin boast one of the tallest maximum heights in the game, standing between seven and eight feet. Kir is about seven foot, five inches with silver scales covering about half of his torso, leaving the middle of the chest humanoid. Scales cover his arms and legs, which end in dragon's taloned hands and feet. He also has a long, wide reptilian tail, horns, and a set of wings to match. Where scales don't cover his skin, the flesh is dark brown. His eyes are a very light blue, and his hairstyle is a long, low braid, almost black in color.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Profile: Oliver

((*Perpetual show off* Will edit and adjust as needed.))

Real name: Oliver Garrett
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Ethnicity: Caucasian American *Teddy bear*
Occupation: Journalistic Photographer
Avatar name: Livvy
Race: High Elf
Class: Support healer

Profile: Oliver, referred to as "Liv" by his friends, is described as being a "precious cinnamon roll". He works full time as a journalistic photographer and ends up traveling very often around the world. Because of the strain his travels have put on his married life he's taken to playing MMOs with his wife as a way to spend time with her while being away from home. Gifted with a very soft voice, he thought it would be interesting to play as a female character and enjoys trolling others into thinking he is really a woman. Even though he is always understanding of personal problems and woes he is very objective in his work and he can come off as being jaded in the gaming world. Having focused on playing a healer class, outside of his circle of friends, he can be difficult to party with by not giving buffs or healing others he feels are rude. However, so long as he is treated with kindness he offers it in return.