Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Profiles: Megan Sato & Paul Nelson

Real Name: Megan Sato
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Japanese-American
Occupation: High School Student
Personality: Megan is a bubbly, charismatic girl who likes entertaining people. She likes to do herself up, although she's very comfortable being low maintenance in a t-shirt as well. Used to being the center of attention, she's not sure how to react when people aren't focusing on her, and will usually try to regain the spotlight.
Appearance: Megan stands about 5'5”, with a slender frame. The main exception are her hips, which are slightly more rounded than the rest of her fairly straight figure. She keeps her dark hair cropped short, about chin length. Usually wears light make-up, but dresses casually.
Background: Megan is the daughter of a well off doctor, granting her a lot of privileges growing up. She's always had access to the latest technology, and has adapted to using it quite well. She took the most interest in video technology, and has decided to make that her main focus while attending the Academy. In the meanwhile, to work on her editing skills, she decided to make a gaming Youtube channel, with the tag Blueberrygamer, after her favorite fruit. She has guides and playthroughs of several different games, and has been a part of this MMO since it's start.
Character Name: Lady Blueberry
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Class: Druid
Appearance: Lady Blueberry is a tall elven woman, with light skin and meadow-green hair. She is dressed in the greens and browns of the forest, and is usually accompanied by a squirrel follow-type pet.

Real Name: Paul Nelson
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian American
Occupation: High School Student
Personality: Paul is a quiet, studious young man. He doesn't take people's assumptions about him to heart, choosing to focus instead on things ahead of him. He has a fondness of animals, and is always helping his mom around the house when he's not on the game. In game, he's more outspoken, attempting to be the hero he named his character after.
Appearance: Coming from two tall parents, Paul has plenty of height to spare for his 6'1, bulky frame. His hair is light blonde and cut short in military fashion.
Background: Paul grew up an only child. Precocious, although many didn't see it through his large frame for his age. Throughout his life he was always encouraged toward athletics, especially by his father. He was never fully invested though, preferring books or spending times with whatever animal was nearby. He does wonder if that's part of the reason why his father and mother divorced a few years ago. His mother often assured him that wasn't the case, but he wasn't so sure. Thankfully, his mother was far more willing to let him test his own interests. He left football, and is thinking of studying to be a veterinarian.
Growing up, he played a few games. He would never claim to be a gamer in any capacity, but he enjoyed them. At the urging of a friend, he decided to check out this new MMO.
Character Name: Matthias Redwall
Gender: Male
Race: Mouse-kin
Class: Swordsman
Appearance: Matthias is a brown mouse-kin, chosen without any of the more stylistic perks that the race is able to have (puffy fur, accessories), to remain a natural mouse look. He is dressed in simplistic armor. (much as Paul would prefer him to have a robe)

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